Hello! Hope you all are having a great week so far. Can’t believe that tomorrow is the first day of November…I think my mind is still stuck back in September somewhere.
Has anyone heard of and/or participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) before? It’s basically a challenge that takes place during the month of November, in which the participants try to finish writing a novel in 30 days. Sounds pretty intense to me. I’ve been toying with the idea of giving it a go, but I’m just not sure I should commit to that – not sure I’m quite at that stage yet. I have some vague ideas floating around in my head, but I haven’t really done much real, tangible planning. Anyways, seeing as tomorrow is the first day of the challenge, I was just wondering if anyone else was doing it, or had done it in the past.
Well, seeing as it is Thursday, I thought I would share another list of thankfuls from the week. Feel free to add the things you are thankful for in the comments below, and lets be grateful for what the Lord is doing in our lives together!
5. The ever-adorable Mr. Samson! I know, I know, I take more pictures of my cat than any person ever really should, but he’s just so cute! Lately, he’s been doing this thing where he sits in the sink and stares at the faucet. Then, when someone turns it on, he immediately sticks his head underneath it, and plays with the stream of water. So incredibly odd, I tell you.
4. Fall. I probably say this every week, but the cooler temperatures have been finally lingering for more than a day or two, and that just makes my soul happy. No pretty colors yet, but I’m hoping that will happen in the near future!
3. Jobs that we both enjoy. James started his new job last week, and so far he’s been enjoying it. He’s learning lots and lots, and I think it will be a good fit or him. I’m very thankful that we both have found ourselves in good jobs that we enjoy. Very blessed!
2. My mom is going to be here TOMORROW!! I’m SO excited to see her – we haven’t been able to get together since July, and that is just very sad. I’m looking forward to some quality, long overdue mother-daughter time ☺
1. I’m thankful for God’s constant hand in my life, guiding me every step of the way. Whenever I feel discouraged or lost, I just remember that He is always with me, that He has a big and wonderful plan for my life, and I don’t have to worry about a thing. He’s got me right where he wants me.
What are you thankful for this week?
Hey Sarah,
I dont know if you remember me or not but I was a SIB a few years before you! I just wanted to let you know I discovered your blog last night while on Facebook and am seriously blown away with your writing and wisdom related to God and living out a life of faith. I honestly probably spent 2 hours just reading your posts and plan to continue to read some more ever now and then (you have so many to choose from). First off, you are so inspirational. I love how you have dedicated yourself to your passion for writing and produced so many wonderful posts. I have a blog myself, more dedicated to cooking and recipes, and know how hard it can be sometimes to sit down and hammer out a post. It seems like God is really working through you and reaching out to people like me through your writing, whether they take the time to comment back or not. Not only have I been thinking hard about being baptized since reading your posts, but I also took your advice for “9 tips to get up and work out early” this morning. By downloading music at night onto my Ipod I was able to find motivation to get up before work (something I have never done) and run around my lake.
Anyways I know I havent really ever hung out with you before so you probably don’t know much about me, and I only know about you what i have read on your blog, but I can relate a ton to your feelings to moving to a new city. I just recently accepted a job in Charleston, SC (my dream city) and moved here without knowing anyone about a month ago. I feel closer to God now than I have ever felt in my life, probably due to the fact that I need to lean on and trust in his plan with all the newness of my life right now. Overall I couldn’t be more happy to be in a job I love and the city of my dreams. I look forward to continuing to read your blog as I grow in my faith and ache to make God more of a priority in my own life. O and if you like to cook and ever need some quick, unique recipes to try, feel free to check out my blog. http://www.saltandpreppy.blogspot.com. Pretty sure my mom is the only one who reads it, but I keep it as a way to channel my love for all things culinary and my love for writing. Hope you get this message alright!
Charlotte, I definitely remember you! Thanks so much for the encouraging note! I really needed to hear that this morning. It’s so nice to hear that people are reading what I write, and are getting something out of the things God is speaking/doing in my own life. Living in a new city has definitely had its challenges, but overall it’s been such a great experience. That’s so awesome you live in Charleston – James (my husband) and I went there briefly for our honeymoon because our cruise ship left out of a port there, and we both wished we could have skipped the cruise and just hung out in Charleston – it rocks! Don’t know if you like sushi, but the stuff we had there was some of the best I’ve ever had!
I’ll definitely check out your blog. I’ve seen some of your food pictures on Facebook randomly, but I didn’t know you had a blog – that’s so awesome! The pictures looked delicious, so I’m sure the recipes are great, and I’m always looking for new recipes to try!
Anyways, thanks again for the comment. I’ll be praying that you get adjusted to your new (awesome) city quickly, and for your new job. We should stay in touch! Hope you are having a great Friday!
I am thankful for many things but especially an upcoming trip to Dallas to see my daugher, son-in-law and grand kitty 😎