“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:4-5
In order to bear fruit, we must remain in Christ. There is no hope for accomplishing anything worthwhile and lasting apart from Him. Just like a branch cut off from the vine can no longer produce fruit, we too are unable to produce fruit when we are cut off from Christ.
It’s an interesting, thought provoking statement. And there is so much truth behind it. Ever wonder why something you are working on seems so difficult to finish? Or why, despite all your efforts, you just can’t seem to be producing the results you expected? I guess the question to ask would be – are you remaining in Him?
Are you seeking His will first above your own? Are you taking the time each day to abide and remain in Him through daily quiet time? Are you even talking to Him at all?
If the answer to any of those questions was “no” then it’s no wonder you aren’t getting very far on the things you are trying to accomplish. Scripture is quite clear here. If you remain in Christ, you will bear much fruit. If not, you can do nothing.
Stop trying to do things on your own, and then expecting huge results. You need Christ in your life to help you through the twists and turns along the way. You need His guidance and direction, which can only be found in spending time with Him – by abiding with Him. Remain in Him, and He will lead you down the right path. Remain in him, and you will see fruit begin to form as you work towards accomplishing your goals and dreams.
Choose to trust Him, to abide in Him, to spend time with Him daily, and to remain in Him always. That is where you will find true peace and fulfillment. And that is when you will begin to see fruit produced in your life.
Thanks for your post. Question, what do you mean by something “worthwhile?”
A lot of people are successful yet don’t have Jesus. Whereas some Christian’s aren’t successful yet have joy in God.
Thanks again!
I guess when I say “worthwhile” I mean something that will eventually benefit and expand the kingdom of God here on Earth. Success without Jesus is still success, but is that success something that is lasting or eternal? And just because you aren’t successful by the world’s standards, doesn’t mean you haven’t done anything worthwhile for the kingdom – Christians who have great joy are already doing something worthwhile because their joy spreads the love of God to others who may never have another way of encountering it. Hopefully that makes sense! Glad you liked the post!