“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
Sometimes it can be really difficult to be courageous. Or strong. Or bold. Or confident. We face challenges every day, whether it be at work, home, within our relationships, or even in standing up to others regarding our own convictions. It can be much easier to simply blend in with the crowd. Get lost in the background. Choose to be a follower when you were destined to be a leader.
Back in Bible times, Joshua faced the exact same challenges. He was relatively young, and not altogether sure of himself. Maybe he doubted his leadership abilities, or didn’t feel fully qualified to fill the role God intended him to fill. Maybe he didn’t feel ready to lead. But in reality, he was ready. Even if he wasn’t so sure, God was on his side, encouraging, supporting and strengthening him every step of the way.
We may not feel ready to step into what God has for us. Maybe we aren’t. Maybe what we really need is for God to step in, reassure us, like he did with Joshua, that He will always be with us, and will protect us every step of the way. When we try and step out into our calling on our own, we don’t get very far. We start to feel inadequate, or incapable of accomplishing the task in front of us.
But that’s where our problems begin. We will never be fully ready for anything without the power and strength of God to back us up. We can’t be strong and courageous on our own. But we can be those things through God’s courage and strength flowing through us. We can be confident, bold, strong and courageous because of God’s power flowing through us.
He gives us the abilities we need to accomplish the tasks he places in front of us, and we need to trust that he will also lead us through them. We don’t have to be afraid – he is always with us!
Choose to be strong and courageous today – just like Joshua!
Thank you. Very uplifting and sent at a much needed time. The Lord bless you.
Thanks, and the Lord bless you as well!