Welcome! Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Sarah, and I’m just a regular, (semi) normal twenty-something girl…with big passions and a lot of crazy ideas. I am truly passionate about God, and love to encourage and uplift people in His name.
I also love to write, and have wanted to start a blog for quite some time now, but just haven’t gotten around to it…until now. I guess you could say that each time I started blogging, I inevitably ran into what I like to call writers block. The words just wouldn’t come. Or if they did, they were all jumbled and made no sense to anyone but myself. Each time this happened I would pray about it, and kept feeling God telling me to hold off for awhile..it wasn’t the right timing.
This time is different.
I really feel God’s blessing on my blog this time around, and am so excited to get started!
I want to share my life with you. The ups. The downs. And everything in between. I want you to know that I am a real person, with real struggles and real issues, just like everyone else. I also want to discuss the things God has placed on my heart to share with you.
Let me back up and explain. Since the beginning of 2012, I have been reading a little bit of the Bible each day in the hopes of finishing the whole thing by the end of the year. Let me tell you, it has been an awesome experience. If you have never read through the Bible in its entirety, I challenge you to do so. I thought I knew everything about the Bible, but I am learning something new each and every day as God gives me new and fresh revelation on old stories I never thought possible.
As I read, I like to journal about what God reveals to me through certain passages and stories. Through God’s prompting, it occurred to me that maybe I should start sharing these new insights with all of you out here in blog-land. That maybe you would benefit from the things I am reading and learning just as much as I am.
My hope is that this blog will encourage and uplift you, as well as challenge you to be the best person you can be. You see, I believe God has a special and unique calling in each of our lives, and that we find purpose and fulfillment in this calling. Maybe you’ve found your calling, or maybe you’re still looking.
Wherever you are in life, I challenge you to read along. We’re all on a journey, and can definitely all use some encouragement at some point. So sit back, enjoy some encouragement, and most importantly remember to give all of the glory and honor to the one who makes everything possible.
God bless you, and thanks for stopping by:)
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