Hello and Happy Thursday! It’s another beautiful day here is Texas. While I do miss the chilly fall Michigan days, I must say that 70 degrees and sunny is starting to grow on me:) Anyways, here is something that I read this morning…
“When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s son may be glorified through it.”
John 11:4
Jesus had just received word that Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, was very sick. They sent word to Jesus so that he might come and heal Lazarus’ sickness. Although the sickness was severe, Jesus stated that it would not end in death, but that it was happening in order for God to be glorified. When Jesus arrived at Lazarus’ house, he found him already dead. While this situation was painful for all those involved, and it’s ending seemed set, God had other plans and purposes for Lazarus’ death. Even though he had been dead for four days, Jesus was able to raise him from the dead, and in doing so, man people believed and put their faith in him. God used this bad situation to bring glory to himself, and cause others to believe, thus turning it for good.
Likewise, God sometimes leads us into challenging situations. We may not understand why at the time, but ultimately he will be glorified through it when he turns the bad situation into a good one. We shouldn’t be afraid of bad situations, or complain when we are put in to a tough position. Instead, we should see these situations as opportunities to ultimately bring glory and honor to God.
What about you? Are there any situations in your life that seem out of your control? Trust that God will see you through, and remember to look for opportunities to glorify God even when things aren’t going as you planned—you never know what he is going to do through that challenging situation in your life.
Hope you all are having a great day so far! God Bless:)
I have been in situations, as well, where the outcome isn’t what I wanted but it turns out to be a good thing, even better than what I wanted in the first place!
So true! God does work in mysterious ways sometimes:)