This is the beginning of my journey through the Bible in 1 year. Day one of reading, life application and journaling completeJ Today I read Genesis 1-3, which is all about creation and the fall of man. Obviously I have heard this story many times, but God has a way of giving new revelation to old scripture, even when you’ve heard it 1,000 times.
In my NIV Bible, there are footnotes, as well as extra little tidbits of information about different people and places. One thing I found interesting in this portion of scripture was the little tidbit about Satan’s plan, and how he attempts to carry it out in our lives. According to the notes in my NIV Bible, there are five different ways he does this.
Doubt. Makes you question God’s Word and His goodness.
Discouragement. Makes you look at your problems rather than at God.
Diversion. Makes the wrong things seem attractive so that you will want them more than the right things.
Defeat. Makes you feel like a failure so you don’t even try.
Delay. Makes you put off doing something so that it never gets done.
Now, the first time I read through this I just kind of skimmed it and didn’t really think much of it. But, on the second time through it hit me. These words describe my life to date. For so long I have known that God wants me to write, that He has a special call in my life, and a specific plan for me. But you know what? I’ve been living under those 5 D’s instead. Satan has made me feel all of those things, especially recently, and I have just gone along with it!
When I finally cam to terms with this fact, I started to feel kind of angry and frustrated at myself. How could I have fallen into Satan’s trap so easily? I realized that I really needed to make a serious life change here. I’m not about to live my life under those 5 D’s. Nope. It’s time to be done with that. No more excuses. All of a sudden I felt this crazy motivation out of frustration with the way I have been living and acting. If I give up on the dreams and passions God has placed in my heat, then I am letting Satan win. If I doubt, or give into discouragement, diversion, defeat or delay, then I am giving up on the one true hope and future in my life.
I’m not saying that it’s going to be a walk in the park from here on out. Temptation to give into the 5 D’s is a daily struggle. But, I think that if it were easy all the time, and we never had any setbacks or struggles, those dreams God places in our hearts wouldn’t be worth fighting for, and ultimately wouldn’t be worth doing. God never promised us that it would be easy, but He did promise to always be with us, and help us along the way whenever we need it.
Whatever it is that you are struggling with, give it to God. Whatever God has placed on your heart to do—do it. Don’t put it off. If God is speaking to you about something, don’t doubt His voice. Don’t let yourself become diverted or delayed in following His plan. Do what He is speaking to your heart—no matter how crazy it may seem, or how often people tell you that you can’t do it. What do they know about it anyways? Your calling is between you and God—don’t become distracted by what others around you may be telling you—they don’t know the full story. Do what God is placing on your heart.
Don’t become discouraged if everything doesn’t always go according to plan. And when discouraging things do happen, because they will—we live in a fallen world, and Satan will do anything to prevent you from reaching your full potential—don’t doubt God’s goodness or His plan for your life. After all, He’s the one in ultimate control, not Satan, and He will never give us more than we can handle. Remember, the testing of our faith develops perseverance, and perseverance, when all is said and done, enables us to be mature and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:4). And whatever you do, don’t fall into defeat. If you feel defeated, as I have felt lately, remember that no matter what happens God will always win in the end. Admitting defeat causes us to feel like failures, and God doesn’t want us to feel like failures. He wants us to be successful and whole in Him. Failures don’t keep trying, which is exactly what Satan wants, because if we don’t try then we won’t get anywhere.
This is exactly how I have been feeling lately with my writing. I don’t know what to write about. I don’t have a plan. It’s too hard. I don’t feel creative. I can’t focus. No motivation. GAH! Those are all excuses associated with a failure mentality. I am choosing to snap out of this mentality, and choose success. I am done admitting defeat and letting Satan win. No more! I am a strong, successful, and passionate follower of God, and I choose to follow His plan for my life. I will not choose defeat, but will choose to do whatever God is speaking to my heart. I will not delay any longer, but will start doing, and start living how He wants. I will be FOCUSED on God’s calling in my life, and will not longer be distracted by the good and exciting things that others are doing for His Kingdom. Their call is not my call, and I will not be distracted by comparing myself to others any longer. My calling is not less important than theirs. We all have a part to play in furthering the kingdom of God here on Earth. If I am always trying to be someone else, then who will be me? Exactly. God has put me here for a reason, and it’s my job to live out that reason—that calling.
I will not doubt or become discouraged. I choose to be encouraged, and keep a positive attitude. I choose life through Christ, and I will not doubt God’s goodness in my life any longer, because living in doubt is not really living at all. It’s time for me to realize what I’ve been missing. It’s time to live a life full of purpose and passion, positive attitude and proactivity. I’m ready, and I can’t wait to see what happens next. How about you? Are you ready to let go of those things that are holding you back from reaching your full potential? I am.
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