Hello! Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. The weather has been absolutely perfect here – high sixties and sunny! I love it! If I can’t have snow, this is a great alternative ☺
It’s been a pretty low key weekend over here, which was much needed. Saturday night we went to this awesome restaurant in Fort Worth with some friends called Joe T Garcia’s. Let me tell you – best Mexican food I’ve had in a long time. Amazing chips and salsa too! And the majority of the restaurant was outside in a garden-like area with lots of plants, fountains, etc. – so cool! I would definitely recommend it.
Besides that though, not too much new going on around here – just hanging out with Mr. Samson ☺
Anyways, so I was reading in Hebrews this morning, and came across this verse:
“We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.”
– Hebrews 2:1
[The author here is calling his readers to pay close attention to the truths they have heard so that they do not fall into false teachings.]
Paying close attention can be hard work, especially when there are so many distractions in our daily lives. However, doing so is crucial to our spiritual wellbeing. If we can’t stay focused on the truth of Christ in our lives, we run the risk of being swept away by any number of false teachings floating around our society today. We need to stay grounded in what we know to be true so that we don’t fall away.
We also need to pay close attention so that we can listen to what the Lord is telling us to do, and be prepared to carry out the instructions he assigns to us. If we aren’t paying attention to begin with, how can we expect to hear his voice?
This hit home for me today. There are definitely times when it is harder to pay attention to what the Lord is speaking to me, and I tend to find that those times coincide with when I am the busiest. I need to work on that. It’s okay to be busy, but it’s not okay to let the Lord take the back seat in the midst of the busyness. If He’s in the backseat, he can’t be at the helm, charting the next steps in our lives. We can’t ignore him and expect him to give us directions at the same time!
So, it’s time to just let him lead. To pay closer attention, despite the busyness, to what he is telling me to do, and then actually change my plans in order to do those things. I don’t ever want to drift away from the truth of Christ, nor the calling he has placed in my life. Those things need to stay constant, regardless of whatever is going on around me.
What about you? Do you need to refocus and pay closer attention to what the Lord is telling you to do in your life?
Hey Sarah. Great post. I don’t remember paying attention to that verse ever before. You surely made me think of it today. Thanks 🙂
Good thing to remember amidst the busyness of life 😎