Hello! Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend. Ours was great…went to a conference at a church in our area on Saturday, and then spent Sunday afternoon wandering around a beautiful lakeside park near Dallas, and the weather was perfect—sixty and sunny:) I’ll post some pictures of or adventures later on today.
I want to share what I read yesterday because I feel it is very relevant to what a lot of us are going through right now. I’ve been struggling a lot with worry over the past few weeks in particular, and this sequence of verses from Luke chapter 12 really hit the nail on the head for me so to speak, summing up everything that I have been needing to hear into one passage of scripture.
“Indeed the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more that many sparrows.”
Luke 12:7
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.”
Luke 12:22-23
“But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”
Luke 12:31
I think I was meant to read these verses in the sequence in which I have listed them here. First, God says we are important, and that he cares about every detail of our lives. In fact, we are so important to him that he even knows the number of hairs on our heads.
Then, God says he cares about us so much that we don’t have to worry about anything…not money, food, clothes, jobs…he just says not to worry about it. He will ALWAYS provide, not mater how difficult our situations may seem.
Finally, he says that all we have to do on our end is seek him and his kingdom first, and everything we need will be provided, or ‘given to you as well’. Instead of focusing on the things we think we need and worrying about how we are going to get them, God says to seek him first. Make him most important, and he will worry about the rest. God is much more concerned with our seeking his face than trying to provide for ourselves on our own without his help. He says that he will provide, and he says not to worry, so we should heed his words.
If we were to take all that energy we spend on worrying, and instead use it to seek after God, how much more fulfilling would our lives be? God has everything under control. Even when it seems like we are facing impossible situations, we need to remember that nothing is impossible for God, and that he will always meet our needs.
Just something that has really been on my heart recently, and something that I really needed to hear this weekend. Hope you find it encouraging as well. Have a great Monday and God Bless:)
Great words. Hard to follow but nothing is impossible!!! It is hard for me to determine how much God wants us to try on our own vs just letting him provide i.e. the saying that the Lord helps those who help themselves and God has given us wondrous bodies and minds so that we can work things out. Maybe it’s more the worrying aspect…don’t worry about it?
I definitely agree with you! It’s tough to find that balance! Thanks for commenting!