Hello! I hope you all are having a great Easter weekend so far! Have anything fun planned? We are just going to be laying low, going to church and relaxing for the most part. I think it’s supposed to be kind of stormy this weekend, but hopefully I’ll be able to get an outdoor run in at some point!
If you haven’t tuned in to History Channel’s The Bible I would encourage you to do so…the finale is this Sunday, and I’m sure it will be great. So far I have really enjoyed the series—it has been quite accurate for the most part, and the acting has been great.
The past couple of days I have been reading in Matthew about Jesus’s betrayl, trial, death and resurrection. I always like to read this portion of scripture around Easter weekend, and reflect on what Christ did for me when he died on the cross for my sins.
He didn’t have to die. He didn’t even have to come to Earth in the first place…but he chose to. Because he loves us. He paid the ultimate prtice for our sins in dying on the cross, and we should never take that for granted. This is something we need to be thankful for daily—not just on Easter weekend. It can be easy to forget about his sacrifice in the business of our daily lives, but that is not an excuse to do so. Remember his sacrifice each and everyday, and be thankful for what he has done for us. Because without Jesus, we would be lost forever.
Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to come to Earth and pay the ultimate price for my sins. When you died on that cross, you not only made it possible for me to experience eternal life, but also to have an intimate, personal relationship with you. Help me never to take this for granted. Thank you for your sacrifice—today and every other day of the year. I love you. Amen.
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