Hello and happy Friday! It’s almost the weekend…already:) August seems to be flying by for some reason, and before we know it, it will be fall! I love fall, but I’m still enjoying these last few weeks of summer. Seeing as it’s Friday, I thought I would start something new on the blog. Sometimes I have a hard time being positive and thankful for the good things that have happened to me. So, I thought I would start a weekly “Friday Favorites” post to help me remember the positive things that have happened throughout the week. Feel free to join in and comment about your favorite parts of your week if you’d like. My goal in this is to start being a more positive and thankful person all the time…not just when things are going my way. So, without further ado I give you the first ever Friday Favorites!
5. The week started out with a trip to Mackinaw Island with my family. I am so thankful for them, and the opportunity to spend quality time with them in a beautiful setting. It was such a great weekend, and I am truly blessed.
4. The rain. It rained a bit while we were on vacation, and normally I would have been bummed out. However, with the recent drought-like conditions we’ve been experiencing in the Mid-west, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the rain. God knows we need it, and I’m thankful that he provided it—even if it was while I was on vacation:)
3. My car. Let me first clarify that I drive a ’98 Buick Century, given to me by my grandmother. While the car may not be the most stylish, it is certainly reliable and true. We drove it all the way to Mackinaw and back without any issues, which is something I would not have been able to do with my past vehicle. The Buick also has no car payments attached, which is always a great thing as well.
2. Spontaneous outings with my husband. Wednesday, we went and got half hour massages…need I say more? James is always coming up with fun things to do, and I always enjoy spending a little quality time with him:)
1. Beautiful weather is in the forecast! It’s actually been a really nice week here, and this coming week is supposed to be even better—75 degrees and sunny pretty much everyday! Can’t ask for much more perfect than that:)
So, that wraps up my first Friday Favorites post. What are some things that you were thankful for this past week?
It has been a good week that has included some visits with family and friends. Started the week at Mackinac Island with my husband, kids and sister and brother-in-law that are visiting from New Zealand. Had some friends over for dinner on Wednesday and then out for dinner to celebrate my mom’s 88th b-day on Thursday!