It’s Wednesday! Half way through this wonderful week…can you believe that next week is already November?!? I have come to the conclusion that time goes by exceedingly faster the older you get. Seriously. But, on the plus side, November 1st is a special day in my family. No it’s not a birthday, or a memorial, or any sort of holiday in particular. Every year on November 1st, my mom and I have always busted out the Christmas music for the first time! Ha. This may seem crazy to some of you, but seriously my mom and I are obsessed with Christmas music. Even though we are states apart this year, I can guarantee that we will both be following through with the tradition on both of our ends:) Anyways…on to what I read this morning!
“Then Jesus said to Simon (aka Peter), “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.”
Luke 5:10b-11
At this point, Simon decided to leave everything he had in order to follow Jesus. Let me give you a little bit of background information on how this came about. Right before this, Jesus had gone in to Simon’s fishing boat and told him to cast his nets out again into the sea. Simon was skeptical—he had been at it for hours, and hadn’t caught a thing. But, seeing as it was Jesus, he decided to do what Jesus asked. When he cast out his nets, they became so full of fish that he had to signal another boat to come and help him bring the catch into shore. Even then the boats were so laden with fish that they began to sag a bit in the water due to the excess weight.
Simon was so awestruck and moved by this that he fell to his knees saying, “Go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man.” At this point, Simon realized something about the nature of Jesus. Not only did Jesus care about the miracles and healings of the masses, but he also cared deeply about the everyday activities of some local fisherman. He came down to their level, and assisted them in their work, showing Simon his true character and nature—one of kindness and love.
In the same way, God cares about the day-to-day activities of our daily lives. He cares about every detail, and wants to be a part of everything we do. Our response to that kind of love should be similar to Simon’s—drop everything and follow him. It’s not enough just to simply acknowledge that Jesus as our Savior and then move on with our lives. NO. We need to allow ourselves to be changed through an encounter with him, leaving behind our past and fully devoting our future to him—no matter where he may lead us.
This is something that God has really been speaking to me about lately. Am I really willing to give him everything? Am I willing to follow him no matter where he may lead? Something to think about.
Hope you all are having a great day! God Bless:)
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