Happy Tuesday! It seems weird that the weather is clear and sunny here in Dallas while the East Coast is so stormy! I’ve been watching the news periodically over the past couple days here, and it definitely looks bad out there. Remember to pray for all the families and businesses affected by Sandy!
Anyways, yesterday I was reading about humility…
“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Luke 14:11
I find that humility seems to be a common theme throughout the Bible—and definitely an important one. But what does it mean to be truly humble? I think a lot of us have an inaccurate perception as to what this really means. Often, we mistakenly think that to live in humility, we must put ourselves down, or in some way degrade ourselves. We think being ‘humiliated’ is the same thing as being ‘humble’. Well…that’s just not true.
Truly humble people are humble because they compare themselves to Jesus instead of others, and in doing so realize how far away from perfection they really are.
Truly humble people recognize their gifts and talents, and instead of trying to hide them, wish to use them to glorify God and further his kingdom here on earth.
Truly humble people don’t put themselves down in order to achieve humility, but instead focus in on their individual giftings and callings given to them by God. They aren’t greedy or selfish with their gifts and talents, but share them freely with others.
“Humility is not self-degradation; it is realistic assessment and commitment to serve.”
For a long time I had the impression that humility involved self-degradation, when really the opposite is true. True humility is something that comes out of a love for Jesus, and a desire to follow his plan for you life—not matter what or where that plan happens to lead you.
Hope you all are having a great day! If you’re near Sandy, stay safe and stay dry! I will be keeping you all in my prayers! God Bless:)