Hello and Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend. We did some unpacking, built a desk for our office, and did some exploring around the area…not too bad of a weekend:) It was really warm, which is still so weird to me, but overall had a relaxing weekend. It’s nice to be able to actually enjoy our apartment now that we have furniture and the like.
I started reading the gospel of Luke this morning. First, did you guys know that Luke was a physician? I read that in the footnotes of my Bible this morning…I had no idea. You all probably knew that, but I thought it was really interesting. His account of Jesus’ life is very detailed, which I guess makes sense seeing that he was a doctor, and doctors need to be precise. Random fact for the day.
Anyways, this morning I read about Mary. I’m sure most of you are familiar with her story, but just in case you’re not, I’ll give a little background info. Mary was a virgin, about to married to Joseph, when an angel of the Lord came to her and told her she would give birth to a son—Jesus. Now, this must have sounded very strange to her. I mean, she was a virgin—how exactly was this going to work out? Back in her time, a woman who became pregnant outside of marriage was generally shunned by society, and usually remained unmarried for the rest of her life. It was completely unacceptable, and looked down upon quite strongly. Now, knowing this, I have to imagine that Mary was terrified. The implications of such a pregnancy would most likely ruin her life. But, instead of being afraid, Mary was willing and eager to do what God called her to do, and agreed to become the mother of Jesus.
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.”
Luke 1:38
May it be to me as you have said. That’s it. Mary didn’t need any reassurances or promises that everything would work out okay in the end. No. She simply trusted God, and willingly obeyed him even though the task she was given didn’t seem to make a lot of sense.
Mary had real faith. Even when faced with a difficult situation, she chose to willingly obey God. How often do we skip out on God’s plan for our lives because we are too scared, or the situation just doesn’t seem to make sense to us? I Know I am guilt of doing this. It’s hard to trust God when things are difficult, or when they don’t make sense, but that is when doing so is the most important. If we could approach every situation in our lives—good or bad—with faith like that of Mary, think about how much more God could accomplish through us. I’m sure the results would be amazing.
What about you? Is there something in your life that just doesn’t seem to make sense right now? Trust God, and willingly obey what he is telling you—even if you can’t make sense of it right now, it will all become clear in the end, and the results will be worth it!
Hope you all are having a great day so far! God Bless:)